You are what you think I am

 There are some people who come into your life and you wonder what you ever did to deserve the hatred they doled out to you. Its not about being a victim, it's about being on the recieving end and not knowing how to respond, when a stone gets thrown at you. Should you change yourself? Try to change the outcome or try to change the other person or their opinion of you? I have tried all of these things and failed. Change is not always the answer. Silence and pauses cause more damage sometimes, as we dont know what the other person is thinking. Here I am trying to find a solution, while the other person is calculating the nature of the next stone to throw. Again, it's not about being a victim, but about knowing what to do and how to react to stone-throws. We are truly how we think of others. If I think of the other person as the enemy, then I actually have made myself into an enemy and not them. If I think that someone is not attracted to me, I may not be attractive. On the other hand, if someone calls me insane, it's actually them who is insane for thinking that way, and not me. Also, if I compliment someone and tell them that they're just great, that is a direct refection of my views of myself, as well. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Everybody deserves only love. If someone  never wishes you well, you have no reason to hate or love them. Just be neutral. Live and let live and let love. Sometimes, you need to be someone's support system. When someone has a bad opinion of you, you really can't do anything but move away till their opinion changes. Opinions are hard to change. To change a pattern, instead of rejecting the person or the child, it's better to understand and work with them...that is..if you value the relationship..if you're just going to disregard the person or the child and tell them that they are the worst can't be trusted, the child..the child/person will grow up believing that. Which wolf are you feeding ? The good wolf or the bad wolf? At each instance, you are feeding at least one of them.

You know your judgements and your image of the other person, may or may not be what that person truly is. If you have an image of another person and you paint them for yourself in the best possible light, while forgiving and ignoring their mistakes and misgivings, isn't that good for your soul and  for their soul ?The painting is a living one. Constantly changing and evolving. That's what makes you a positive person - when you look at everything like that.


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