A Piece on Love

You capture my beauty and blow bubbles with it.
Bubbles that magnify the beauty that every moment life brings with it,
You capture the essence of me.
In everything that you do,
You align yourself to my soul.
With your words, you paint your world before my eyes and I see you.
You make this journey seem like passing moments.
You make me appreciate me for being me.
People go through lifetimes not experiencing what I have experienced with you.
At long last Ive found a love that is a wellspring of life.
If this is what true love is all about, let me be a spout that spills it over.
Come let us share the feeling,
Of the coolness of the breeze,
The rising of the sun,
The sights and sounds that each new day brings with it,
Let us share each seed of a feeling,
Let it blossom into beautiful memories,
You compel me to write a a piece on love,
so here it is, straight from my heart.
Earth a school room, love is the key,
Though, there is a simple ingredient in love that we all seem to miss.
And that secret ingredient is what is to be applied,
when expressing without desire, just will.
That one has to be able to become-
like a scientist with their own mind when applying love,
Transmutation of the good and bad into the neutral,
all other polar opposites to the neutral.
Everything we experience is through the mind,
so that is where the process must begin.
Once this has been perfected,
the practitioner of love may then apply this externally.
I have so much of joy in my heart right now,
I'm crying tears of happiness,
Love like this comes once, though It calls to me,
asking me to make it last a lifetime.
I'm in love with life now because you love me,Love is my calling!
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