A Post about Con-Experts
How long must a fool suffer before (s)he realises that (s)he is being conned? Everything that a con-expert does is to ensure that (s)he gets maximum out of the victim. Con-experts will not call you or accept your calls unless it's about something you're doing for them and their work or the task that they have assigned the victim. Everything is about what they can get from the victim. They have leadership qualities as well as persuasion skills to sell ice to an Eskimo and then some more. They enjoy conning people over and over again multiple times, the same way, because their victims did not learn a lesson the first time, or could not say no. They use emotional trickery such as love to entice victims to believing what they are saying and then use them to whatever means they need and then let them go. It's not easy being in the company of a manipulator and resisting their advances. They have so much of self knowledge of themselves and how they can use their gifts to trample o...