
Showing posts from December, 2013

Lessons of My Life

Everyone does things for their own reasons. These reasons lead the person to obtaining results.. Someone once told me that “The Universe is a University - You can learn from anyone, anything, anywhere. ”  This is one of the best lessons that I have learnt that has spawned many new thoughts and ideas. It opened doors for me to explore, open my eyes to the world around me to use what I sense, to catapult myself to new levels. Every experience now meant a new learning. This inspired me to capture and evaluate lessons that I learnt from different situations and people. The following are some of the main lessons that I have recorded: 1)       Give and it will come back to you. I had once taken part in a music concert as a member of the choir. As part of the repertoire of songs that we were performing that day, there was a song entitled ‘Give and it will come back to you’.  This made me think about the times where I only focused on getting things...