
Integrating new systems into existing norms

 There's an old saying - if you continue to do what you always do, you will continue to get the same results that you always get. Slow integration of new methods and styles will make something new that seems complex from a distance, do-able and the new norm, which may even make your life simpler, easier and more fun.

How to handle conflict while facilitating sessions with conflicting views

Listen to both sides of the argument and to the opposing goals and empower and acknowledge each side, equally. Establish some ways in which both teams can depend on each other to facilitate each other's goals and drive solution-focused conversations. If the narrative becomes conflicting, bring it back to center around the solution.

My thoughts on the use of Storyboards in Educational Technology

Storyboard creation helps to chalk out a plan for the video which helps all the stakeholders during development as well as the Quality Analysis (QA) team to map the plan and purpose of the animation to the al result. Storyboards also include the voice over(VO) script which is an input to VO artists to record the script. A more specific storyboard helps all stakeholders to visualise the final product, the exact way that the instructional designer/writer intended it to be. A more detailed storyboard can help clear doubts and conflicts, at later stages of the development process.                           

Music Teacher on Forte

Great news! I am now a Music Mentor and Teacher on Here is my profile: Sign up for music lessons with me only on

A Post about Con-Experts

How long must a fool suffer before (s)he realises that (s)he is being conned? Everything that a con-expert does is to ensure that (s)he gets maximum out of the victim. Con-experts will not call you or accept your calls unless it's about something you're doing for them and their work or the task that they have assigned the victim. Everything is about what they can get from the victim. They have leadership qualities as well as persuasion skills to sell ice to an Eskimo and then some more. They enjoy conning people over and over again multiple times, the same way, because their victims did not learn a lesson the first time, or could not say no. They use emotional trickery such as love to entice victims to believing what they are saying and then use them to whatever means they need and then let them go. It's not easy being in the company of a manipulator and resisting their advances. They have so much of self knowledge of themselves and how they can use their gifts to trample o

My views on Goa becoming the tourist capital of the country being published in the papers

I think it is a fabulous vision statement by the CM to make Goa the tourist capital of the country.  This vision will lead to more employment of localites in goa, increase cultural events and also enhance careers of entertainers, producers, stage and event technicians. It will boost the local economy and boost goa's popularity, internationally and improve overall welfare and lifestyle of localites.

My Views on a Multitude of Apps being Introduced into the Universe

In the new global digital world, consumers are faced with a sea of choice of apps to use and download. I think companies should analyse which apps would more value to the consumers life and not just add to the sea. They should also phase out some of their own apps which are outdated so as to help make consumers make a better choice on which is the most updated and appropriate app to use. Simultaneously, due to the increase in the number of apps, consumers are forced to invest in more powerful (more expensive) devices to support usage of the growing number of apps. The common middle class and lower-middle class families may not be able to afford such expensive devices. Creators, innovators and designers should keep in mind the long term and effects and results of the technology being designed while innovating and investing. This will ensure that the creators of technology, apps and software and the users (customers) are on the same page. Human interaction can never be completely replace